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Semi-finished products

by andreas mielke

First Series for Piles, Pipes, Ingots ...

09/2016-2 - secondary information. Many improvements for the "Manufacturing" section added; additional images for pile sheets, pipes, ingots and slabs.

In particular the following services are implemented:

  • first images for ingots, slabs, billets and blooms
  • first images for piles and pipes
  • two new categories for the image database implemented: "Applications" and "Fabricated Products"

Still there a many images already done but not prepared for uploading, which will be made available soon. We are looking forward to adding first samples to the new area "Fabricated Products" which will cover many different construction elements like: fences, meshes, wires, chains etc.

Next to come is a preview for the classified adds marketplace. A new subdomain will be established: This will become the home for selling metal products. The technical and administrative requirements are under development and we hope to show first results within the next few weeks.

Thank You for reading.

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